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Mission Statement 

"The mission of the Rossmoor Community Services District is to provide superior, cost-effective, services that enhance the quality of life for the residents of Rossmoor."

Goals and Objectives

GOAL I—SAFETY: The District will use all possible means to ensure the safety of the community through effective utilization of its public safety resources. Objective 1: In coordination with the Orange County Sheriff, and other law enforcement agencies, endeavor to provide law enforcement services tailored to the needs of the community Objective 2: Maintain effective communication with the Orange County Fire Authority to promote the dissemination of fire safety information and materials as a means of minimizing loss of life and property in the community. Objective 3: Oversee the effective provision of street lighting services for the enhancement of public safety in the community.

GOAL II—FINANCIAL STABILITY: The District will maximize its available resources and ensure financial stability by maintaining a balanced budget and adhering to all applicable financial policies. Objective 1: Utilize available grant funds to the greatest extent possible as a means of preserving or enhancing its resources for other needed priorities. Objective 2: Invest reserve funds in accordance with the district’s investment policy in order to maximize a safe return on investment. Objective 3: Effectively use community volunteers whenever possible in order to enhance the district’s service levels and infrastructure. Objective 4: Review user fees periodically and recommend adjustments to the Board; according to policy. Objective 5: Work with committees to review and evaluate district finances and related policies in order to make recommendations to the board regarding the district’s financial resources.

GOAL III—URBAN FOREST: The District will promote, protect and maintain a healthy urban forest in Rossmoor. Objective 1: Plant and maintain a diverse population of parkway and park trees by species and age in approximately as many of the 5,500 designated site locations as possible. Objective 2: Manage the inventory of parkway trees in Rossmoor to assure that they are properly safety trimmed so as to not pose a hazard to the community. Objective 3: Oversee its parks and parkway locations in Rossmoor to assure that all trees are properly watered, trimmed, and maintained in a healthy, safe and aesthetically pleasing condition.

GOAL IV—PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: The District will endeavor to ensure that all of its properties are maintained in a safe and proper working order. Objective 1: Inspect all District properties on a regular basis to determine that they are being properly maintained in accordance with industry standards and safety regulations. Objective 2: Implement maintenance schedules for each of the District’s properties in order to ensure their maximum service life. Objective 3: Monitor and maintain records of the performance of maintenance and capital project contractors. Objective 4: Take all necessary measures to conserve water and to reduce the use of water for irrigation of the District’s green space. Objective 5: Take all necessary measures to conserve resources and to be good stewards and follow best practices as it pertains to conserving our natural resources.

GOAL V—RECREATION: The District will endeavor to create a livable community and promote healthy lifestyles aimed at enhancing the quality of life through use of recreational activities. Objective 1: Provide a variety of recreational, cultural and sports programs and special events such as Movies, Concerts and Shakespeare in the Park and cosponsor events such as the Community Festival and 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular that appeal to all segments of the community. Objective 2: Monitor recreation and athletic facilities and equipment to ensure they remain safe, clean and in good working order. Objective 3: Ensure that recreation and athletic facilities are accessible to all users. Objective 4: Promote cost-effective use of the District’s parks, facilities and programs through the establishment of reasonable user fees and charges while encouraging maximum use by the public.

GOAL VI—COMMUNICATION: The District will expand upon the availability of information to Rossmoor residents by communicating important and timely information. Objective 1: Utilize to the maximum extent possible, the use of the district website, traditional, online and social media to inform the public about current information concerning the business and services of the district. Objective 2: Publish and distribute a quarterly newsletter for each household in Rossmoor, in either hardcopy or electronic format, in order to disseminate information about district business, programs, current events and items of interest to the community. Objective 3: Provide a variety of opportunities for community input in a variety of formats, such as public meetings, workshops, email campaigns, polls and surveys. Objective 4: Whenever possible, employ a variety of internal and external resources, in the form of vendors and cosponsors, to announce and promote district programs and business.

GOAL VII—COOPERATIVE RELATIONSHIPS: The District will endeavor to work closely with other local, state and federal agencies. Objective 1: Develop a cooperative agreement with the Los Alamitos Unified School District for the joint use of facilities. Objective 2: Meet regularly with neighboring jurisdictions to discuss and resolve common issues. Objective 3: Maintain a positive working relationship with officials and agencies of the County of Orange in order to provide the highest possible levels of services to the community.

GOAL VIII—NEW INITIATIVES: The District will evaluate new initiatives as they come to the attention of the Board. Objective 1: Take the initiative to address new concerns expressed by the community in order to determine what, if any options are available to address those concerns. Objective 2: Report to the community on any actions taken by the board regarding new initiatives whether independently undertaken by the board or proposed by the community.

GOAL IX—CLEAN STREETS: The District will effectively manage street sweeping operations in the community. Objective 1: Assure that the public right-of-way within Rossmoor is regularly swept free of debris, leaves, soil, litter and other materials. Objective 2: In cooperation with the Orange County Sheriff, monitor the street sweeping enforcement program as a means of ensuring that all streets are swept in accordance with the established schedule and that residents are kept aware of the need to keep streets clear during posted hours.

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