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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rossmoor Community Services District (“RCSD”) invites sealed bids for the Pavement Refurbishing at Rush Park Parking Lot Project (“Project”). The Project site is located at 3001 Blume Drive, Rossmoor, CA 90720.

  1. BID SUBMISSION AND OPENING.  RCSD will receive such bids via delivery to the RCSD offices, located at 3001 Blume Drive, Rossmoor, CA 90720, up to the hour of 2:00 p.m., on the 19th of June, 2020, at which time they will be opened publicly and read aloud outside the offices of RCSD. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, all persons attending the bid opening will be required to wear face coverings and practice social distancing of at least 6 feet. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the RCSD offices are currently closed to the public. Therefore, sealed bids may be mailed to the address above, or received in-person at the RCSD office only on June 16, 2020 or June 19, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Any bid received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids shall be returned to bidder unopened. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that his/her/its bid is received by the deadline.
  2. BID PACKAGE.  The Bid Package is available on RCSD’s website at Due to the COVID-19 emergency, all prospective bidders that wish to obtain a hard copy of the Bid Package must make an appointment to pick up the Bid Package at the RCSD office by contacting Joe Mendoza at  Alternatively, prospective bidders may request that a hard copy be mailed to them by contacting or Jessica Verduzco at Please be advised that it is the bidder’s responsibility to obtain the Bid Package in sufficient time to deliver a sealed bid on or before the deadline.

The Bid Package includes two “options” with two Scopes of Work, with “Scope I” being less intensive than “Scope II.” Scope I generally consists of large crack filling and applying one coat of Type 1 slurry seal coat to the entire parking lot at the Project site, which is approximately 28,000 square feet in size. Scope II generally consists of removal and replacement of approximately 1,325 square feet of asphalt at four sections of the parking lot at the Project site to a depth of 2” thick; and preparing and applying a Type 1 slurry seal coat to the entire parking lot, which is approximately 28,000 square feet. Each Scope of Work is described in more detail in the Bid Package. Bidders shall itemize the submitted bids with these two labels. RCSD will award a contract for either Scope I or Scope II to the lowest responsible bidder for the scope of work selected.

For further information regarding this Project, please contact Joe Mendoza at


Published: May 31, 2020

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