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We Value Your Input and Need Your Help!

The Rossmoor Community Services District has been conducting a comprehensive parks and facilities audit to identify areas that are over and underutilized, discover untapped resources and explore how we can achieve the highest and best use of existing District facilities and community assets. We value your input and need your help! We are sending out a community survey this month to find out the kinds of programs, services and amenities that are important to you. What are some of your favorite events? What types of programs do you want to see in the future? How often do you use Rossmoor parks and facilities? What do we do well and how we can improve? This is your community and we want you to be involved in the community-building process. Have you always wanted to take an art class? Do you wish there was a handball court at the park? Now is the time to let us know!  This is your opportunity to speak up! Survey Says…! You will have to TAKE THE SURVEY to find out. Results will be announced at a future board meeting and will be published in our next quarterly newsletter. —JM

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